The blog that tells it like it is.
We created this blog for all IT folks, crazy innovators, free thinkers, and anyone else who is passionate about technology. This is our safe place to express our wildest tech thoughts, far-fetched ideas, and other revolutionizing content.
Why become a cyber defender?
Whether for a bank, a telecommunications company, or a large aeronautics manufacturer, most projects I have contributed to were related to cyber security. This inherently involved a thorough understanding of the concepts and technologies.
Identity Theft : Specific cases of cybercrimes
Did you know that identity theft is now the most common form of digital attack in Canada? In fact, according to a report by the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center (CAFC), nearly 30,000 citizens were victims of identity theft in 2022 alone. Of the reported cases, one-third are here in Quebec. Indeed, our ‘beautiful province’ is the one most affected by digital identity theft.
Identity theft
Being the target of a cyberattack is never good news. Even less so is being the victim of identity theft. As a matter of fact, identity theft is a long-standing crime, but it has certainly grown and expanded since the digital shift in recent years. Today, this breach has become a major and dangerous issue regarding cybersecurity.
Part 2- War in Ukraine : The Operation
Can you imagine the repercussions if our provincial or federal government was infiltrated by Russian cyber criminals? The public safety of Canadians would be in horrendous shape. But before thinking of the worst, it is crucial to understand the operation of a Russian cyberattack to prevent them and thus better thwart them.
Part 1 – The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: A cybersecurity issue in Canada?
Russia has a strong reputation for using cybercrime, in all its forms, to attack its adversaries. Maneuvers that do not cause death, of course, but which generate serious consequences for all those who are victims. Therefore, are we in Canada at risk of being targeted by Russian cyber attacks?
Teens and cybersecurity: Truths & Consequences
Whether it is music, applications, online purchases, or video games, nowadays everything goes through downloading. It is unfortunately one of the most used tactics by cybercriminals to infiltrate your children’s data and therefore yours too.
No Holiday for Cybersecurity!
If for some, the word holiday rhymes with freedom, for others it is synonymous with opportunity. Indeed, for cybercriminals, it is a golden opportunity to infiltrate your systems and thus hack your data through a cyber attack. After all, cybercriminals do not go on holiday!
The Necessity of Cybersecurity – 8 Tips to Protect Yourself
What company in 2022 is not dependent on an IT system?
Whether from a smartphone, a computer, or a tablet, these days all these elements are essential work tools.
In the event of a cyberattack, the integrity of the organization is at stake
Why should companies adapt to a new management model?
In fact, over the past few years, we have seen a gradual change in the way citizens work, on a large scale. Thanks to the technological advances of the last ten years, more and more workers have preferred to work remotely or simply on their own.
Can we keep our employees with an IT modernization project?
We will not hide it, IT has taken a key place in our lives, and more particularly in the business world. Indeed, with the arrival of social networks, each company, regardless of the field it occupies, depends on technologies, and this to varying degrees.
The Blueprint for Modern IT
It is no secret that a growing number of companies are facing the need to modernize their IT. Technologies are evolving, cybersecurity challenges are becoming a concern and some IT environments are becoming obsolete.
However, modernization is not just about putting together a list of services to update. Your business must evolve, needs change and your technological environment must adapt
Do you realize that everything you built is one-click away from being destroyed?
No matter the size of your business, you are now a target. Cyber-terrorists have found their hobbyhorse and it is called: Ransomware.
Vendor management: Isn’t it time we get out of the Tinder model?
Like most companies of a certain size, you have a vendor management team. Their mandate is very clear: to ensure that the company does not overpay for its products and services.
The 10 reasons why the best-of-breed approach can no longer be the norm in IT.
For those that have been planning IT architectures long enough, we can all remember the days. We used to look at the hottest technologies on Gartner’s Quadrant, and that was a reference. I no longer believe that. Times have changed, and so has the market. Here are 10 reasons why a best-of-breed approach can breed catastrophe only.
What is the most critical factor while planning your cybersecurity?
Do you still believe a properly planned firewall is a cornerstone to your cybersecurity? Here’s a clue, none of that matters if you haven’t laid a proper foundation.
Do you believe your obsolete IT is helping your security posture?
So back to the question, do you believe that keeping an older security architecture protects you from modern threats? Good luck, you’re in for a ride.
Can an IT modernization project help retain talents?
We have to be grounded: every company is turning into an IT company within a few years. We can see that even retailers now need extensive systems to maintain inventory, accounting, etc. Yet, the number of candidates is stable.
Creating a modern IT by analyzing the past or reverse-engineering the future?
We all have seen these grand transformation projects, which, in line with their massive scales, ended in massive failures or massive financial and timeline overruns.
Buying a Server in 2021: A Crime Against Your Wallet
face it: more than half of the servers sold don’t go to corporate data centers. They go to those of cloud providers. What’s more, these companies (Microsoft and Google in particular) have put considerable effort into reducing their environmental footprint and becoming carbon neutral.
10 Mind shifts needed for a great transformation
For too many years now, you have suffered budget cuts. Tired of looking your IT infrastructure grows stale. You understand the need for transformation, for modernizing. You are also aware that your current mindset must evolve for the environment to do so.
How to Find Digital Transformation Success From Repetitive Tasks
The leaders of a software development company wanted to proceed with a digital transformation by moving all of their services to the cloud. They took all the services they had deployed on their internal servers and moved them to a similar cloud configuration. They used a typical “lift and shift” approach.
A recipe for results oriented cyber security
Cyber Security is complicated and can be prohibitively expensive. A dozen years ago, Cyber was a footnote on most corporate ledgers, but today it is a significant corporate cost, and often a topic of discussion at executive board meetings. Many corporate strategies...